About Us

How we started:

The Owner's Philosophy:

I have always had a deep passion for the horse, from the time I knew what a horse was, and as I got older this passion grew stronger.
I started riding 10 years ago and learnt a lot about the do's and don'ts about horses; having stabled at many yards and having numerous instructors.  I still learn every day, as each horse and person is an individual and you have to find the right mix.  What works for one could be completely incompatible for the next.

I have opened my yard to share my passion to try different methods of caring, training and loving horses as individuals and help educate myself and other riders/owners.

The Name:

Kasaba Bay was the light of my life.  The reason I used his name for the yard as he had a huge impact on my life.  He wasn't the first horse I rode but from the first  time he allowed me to ride with him we had a connection. He was looking for a loving home and I found a sole mate.  We both had challenges to overcome but working together and sometimes in opposite directions we gave each other the confidence each one needed.

The Yard:

The yard started up in 2009, with only my 4 private horses, but with a lot of perseverance and spirit over the last few years the yard started growing towards the end of 2011.

As with most yards there are always things that need to be changed and improved, from fixing/building stables; to painting paddock poles and everything in between. We are always excited to see the changes once they have finished.

The Riding School:

The riding school started at the end of 2011, when my neighbors contacted me asking if I would be interested in giving them riding lessons. This was something I always wanted to do but never had the clients, so I grabbed the opportunity with open arms. At the time we only had one horse I could use for the school.  Voightskirch Dragoner, one of my private horse - a great confidence builder and very tolerant. Since then we have grown to two School horses/ponies. With a 3rd school horse/pony on its way.  The riding school has grow and with Friday evening and Saturday mornings filling up fast.





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